3 de dez. de 2012

Participação! Phoebe Tonkin canta Who Laughs Last no programa The Voice

Carson: E apresentando-se aqui no The Voice EUA, temos a nova sensação dos adolescentes. A cantora Phoebe Tonkin que cantará seu single atual com o Team Blake!

No centro do palco está Phoebe Tonkin, com um violão, ela canta a canção "Who Laughs Last", em um tom mais devagar do que a original.

I am no longer the same woman
When you hurt me in the past
I'm new, rejuvenecida
Stronger and more reliable myself

He thought it would hurt me
And all it's over in 1x0?
But I can say
I'm not a sucker
(But you are motherfucker)

Terry, do Team Blake aparece na ponta do show. Ele se aproxima da cantora, enquanto canta a música, aumentando o ritmo dela pro seu lado rock.

You tried to break my heart
But I gave a comeback
Baby, now my revenge will be unforgettable

Ao lado de Terry, Phoebe Tonkin larga seu violão e os dois cantam juntos com a batida mais pesada.

He who laughs last laugh better
Laugh with more gusto, enjoying the poison
What's In My Mouth
He who laughs last is the smartest
Who knew rebuild itself, one that has value
And not continued on the ground

He who laughs last laugh better
Much better!
I'm fine without you
He who laughs last laugh better
I learned to rebuild myself, I value me
And I am above you

Phoebe beija a bochecha de Terry. Ela arrasta o auxilio do microfone até a outra ponta, aonde está Cassadee Pope. A futura vencedora sorri enquanto canta ao lado da musa.

I thought it would be just another
What you take, uses and throws away after
And stay in the ground forever
As something disposable?

But now I picked myself, and I'm not alone!
Because revenge is a dish best served cold
But not alone!

As duas cantoras cantam a música juntas.

He who laughs last laugh better
Laugh with more gusto, enjoying the poison
What's In My Mouth
He who laughs last is the smartest
Who knew rebuild itself, one that has value
And not continued on the ground

He who laughs last laugh better
Much better!
I'm fine without you
He who laughs last laugh better
I learned to rebuild myself, I value me
And I am above you

Terry se aproxima mais do centro do palco, e as duas vão para lá também. Juntos, eles cantam as partes finais da música.

Look up, and now think about everything you did
Think about the next time you want to hurt another heart
Think also about how I'm finding it a circus
Since now the fun is guaranteed on my account
And never, ever in your life, think about knocking my door

He who laughs last laugh better
Laugh with more gusto, enjoying the poison
What's In My Mouth
He who laughs last is the smartest
Who knew rebuild itself, one that has value
And not continued on the ground

Agora, eles seguem cantando a canção também, mas de forma alternada.

[Cassadee] He who laughs last laugh better
Much better!
[Terry] I'm fine without you
He who laughs last laugh better
[Cassadee]I learned to rebuild myself, I value me
[Terry] And I am above you

Phoebe dá o grande finale da apresentação.

And I am above you!

A América aplaude Phoebe que abraça o team blake. Sentada em sua cadeira, Xtina aplaude de pé e faz um labial: "quero feat.".
Carson: E essa foi Phoebe Tonkin, thanks!
A cantora se retira do palco.

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