Fátima Bernandes: E agora nós vamos
receber este rapaz que já é febre! As meninas amam ele e a música dele
faz todo mundo dançar. Com o seu primeiro CD, o "My Better Shot", ele já
conseguiu conquistar o mundo, já até ganhando prêmio de "Cantor do
Ano". Com vocês, Josh Kloss!
#Josh entra no estúdio acenando para a platéia. Ele fala com a Fátima enquanto a introdução de "Rise Up, Stand Up" tocava.
Josh Kloss: Come on! Let's do the party of our lifes!
Josh canta: Somedays you can be out of yourself
Weak, with no one to hold you
The water you have is not enough
To end its headquarters
You can count with someone to always
Will be there for you
That doesn't matter if you have
The most expensive jewelry in order
To save you
Weak, with no one to hold you
The water you have is not enough
To end its headquarters
You can count with someone to always
Will be there for you
That doesn't matter if you have
The most expensive jewelry in order
To save you
#Josh convida todos à se levantarem e a pularem junto com ele.
Josh canta: Rise Up, Stand Up
Stand Up for the love, for the life
Everything will be alright
Rise Up, Stand Up
Dance like it's the last song
Make the better times last
So you will stand up for the life
And never will sleep again
Stand Up for the love, for the life
Everything will be alright
Rise Up, Stand Up
Dance like it's the last song
Make the better times last
So you will stand up for the life
And never will sleep again
#A platéia grita por Josh e ele vai cumprimentar seus fãs. Ele pega a câmera fotográfica de uma das fãs e tira uma foto sua.
Josh canta: Somedays you can be out of yourself
Weak, with no one to hold you
The water you have is not enough
To end its headquarters
You can count with someone to always
Will be there for you
That doesn't matter if you have
The most expensive jewelry in order
To save you
Weak, with no one to hold you
The water you have is not enough
To end its headquarters
You can count with someone to always
Will be there for you
That doesn't matter if you have
The most expensive jewelry in order
To save you
Rise Up, Stand Up
Stand Up for the love, for the life
Everything will be alright
Rise Up, Stand Up
Dance like it's the last song
Make the better times last
So you will stand up for the life
And never will sleep again
Stand Up for the love, for the life
Everything will be alright
Rise Up, Stand Up
Dance like it's the last song
Make the better times last
So you will stand up for the life
And never will sleep again
#Josh volta para o centro do estúdio e Fátima segurava o seu CD.
Josh Kloss: Vamos lá, comigo! Eu digo, Rise Up e vocês Stand Up, ok? Vamos lá!
Josh Kloss: Rise Up
Platéia: Stand Up
Josh Kloss: Rise Up
Platéia: Stand Up
Josh Kloss: Rise Up
Platéia: Stand Up
Josh Kloss: Whoah-Whoah!
#A música fica mais lenta e Josh faz uma versão mais acústica do refrão.
Josh canta: Rise Up, Stand Up
Stand Up for the love, for the life
Everything will be alright
Rise Up, Stand Up
Dance like it's the last song
Make the better times last
So you will stand up for the life
And never will sleep again...
Stand Up for the love, for the life
Everything will be alright
Rise Up, Stand Up
Dance like it's the last song
Make the better times last
So you will stand up for the life
And never will sleep again...
#Todo o estúdio aplaude o cantor e ele agradece.
Josh Kloss: Valeu, galera!
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