18 de dez. de 2012

The X-Factor USA: Josh Kloss divulga "Sun Way" e "Rise Up, Stand Up" em uma performance espetacular!


#Com uma forte luz vinda atrás de Josh, ele entra no palco cantando "Sun Way" com um instrumental poderoso.

Josh canta: And yes!
I'll scream it to all the world
I'm in love with you, girl
In love with you, girl
Take my hand
Let's run in the Sun Way
In the Sun Way
Let's Run
In The Sun Way 

#A batida pop de "Rise Up, Stand Up" começa à tocar e a platéia se anima. Josh caminha até o suporte do microfone, aonde começa a cantar o seu atual single. 

Josh canta: Somedays you can be out of yourself
Weak, with no one to hold you
The water you have is not enough
To end its headquarters
You can count with someone to always
Will be there for you
That doesn't matter if you have
The most expensive jewelry in order
To save you

Rise Up, Stand Up
Stand Up for the love, for the life
Everything will be alright
Rise Up, Stand Up
Dance like it's the last song
Make the better times last
So you will stand up for the life
And never will sleep again 

Josh Kloss: Come on, X Factor! Let's make the party of our lifes. Singin' with me! 

Josh Kloss: Rise Up,
Platéia: Stand Up!
Josh Kloss: Rise Up,
Platéia: Stand Up!
Josh Kloss: Rise Up,
Platéia: Stand Up!
Josh Kloss: Rise Up,
Platéia: Stand Up!
Josh Kloss: Whoaah, Whoaaah!

#Várias faíscas começam a explodir por todo o palco enquanto Josh pulava. A platéia estava super empolgada com a performance. A faixa volta para o ritmo lento do início da performance. Josh estava com uma vela estrela, que soltava faíscas, em sua mão. 

Josh canta: Rise Up, Stand Up
Stand Up for the love, for the life
Everything will be alright

#Josh termina a performance com todos o aplaudindo, inclusive os jurados, que o aplaudiam de pé.

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